Monday, 16 April 2012

accEssOriEs , that I wanT~~

okay , let's talk about accessories that I want and always buyed
when I'm shopping ^_^ yeppY ! hehe ..

mY Original shOpping ..! always will be interested in twO things only ..
the shOes and the watces !
I closed my interest like a shirts, pants, hats, and the other's..
I'am only interested in accessOries such us chains, bracelets, shoes, and watches ..
I will go mad if do not buy ! .. 

ehehe so, beutiful .. hmm
_gIve me please !_


  1. pic 3,7, 12...dah lama uni cari kasut design cm2..payah benor nk jumpa...huhu..

  2. yerr da lama benor da saya nak design mcm nie.. tapi susah nak jmpe .. hehe
